15 memorable books from my last 7 years of reading

I have joined the website Goodreads in the beginning of 2015. Some weeks ago I suddenly realized that I have passed my 400th registered read title in the website, and I have been going through the lists to try to distill the books that have left the strongest impression. I found out many books that would fall into that category, but when forced to shorten the list I came up with the somewhat arbitrary number of 15 works. So here it is, my list of 15 memorable, interesting, captivating, and somewhat unusual titles that I have read in the last 7 years. They comprise both fiction and non-fiction, a bit of biography, science and history. There is an overweight of technical/historical books on these list. The books are ordered by chronological order of reading (from 2015 to the present). So here it is. 1. The Making of the Atomic Bomb (Richard Rhodes, 1986) : This list starts with a bang! This is an impressive book, combining both the history behind the Manhattan proj...