"Ivanhoe". Walter Scott (1819)

"Ivanhoe" is one of the first historic novels ever written, so this one has been on my wish list for a long time. It is a very entertaining read, both for children and adults alike. It takes you back to 12th century England, and both Robin Hood, John Lackland and Richard Lionheart are active characters in the story. The style is slightly moralising, to the point of being anachronistic for todays sensibilities, and the reader gets the impression that everything is going to end well (whatever that means!), which it does. The language of the original is thick (Walter Scott tried to recreate medieval English, while using 19th century novel narrative style), so if you do not have English as your mother tongue, it could be easier to read a translation (I read it in Norwegian and most of the heaviness of the original is, fortunately or not, lost). As I read in a previous critic at Goodreads, most characters are one-dimensional and stereotypical, with the honorable exception of...